
Peter Sander/Scott Bobo The 100 Best Stocks to Buy in 2015

The 100 Best Stocks to Buy in 2015

Peter Sander, Scott Bobo
Adams Media
A5判 381頁 2014年12月発売
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Now is the time to make money!

Stock picks in previous editions of The 100 Best Stocks to Buy have consistently beaten the market average. Now Peter Sander and Scott Bobo continue their successful forecasting as they choose the best stocks to buy in 2014. Although the market has seen growth in 2013, it continues to swing on concerns over the European debt crisis and political conflict over spending, taxes, and the debt ceiling, and investors will want to know where to put their money for maximum safe return. This newest edition includes an evaluation of the current state of the market; information about significant investment opportunities, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs); balancing a portfolio between aggressive and safety stocks; and advice about "low-volatility investing," which is becoming an important investment trend. An essential guide for anyone investing in today's market, The 100 Best Stocks to Buy in 2014 provides solid and dependable advice you can take to the bank.


Peter Sander has written eighteen books, including Value Investing for Dummies and Personal Finance for Entrepreneurs as well as 101 Things Everyone Should Know About the Economy. He is also the coauthor of The Best 100 Stocks to Buy in 2013. Sander lives in Granite Bay, California.



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この商品の著者による商品一覧: Peter Sander, Scott Bobo
